Here are current announcements from the Ada High School page on the Ada school website:
ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS WHO ARE PLANNING ON TAKING AP ENGLISH AS SENIORS: There will be a meeting during lunch on Monday, May 5th, in Mr. Ames’ room. Lunch will be provided and we will discuss the course, texts, and summer obligations.
ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS: Prom tickets are now on sale. Single tickets will be $15 and couples will be $25. They will be available for purchase during lunch or through Mr. Ames. Also, guest request forms are available in the high school office. They will be due back to the office by Wednesday, April 30th. Reminder school fees must be paid.
AFTER PROM PERMISSION SLIPS: If you are bringing a date to After Prom they will need a completed form turned in by May 1st.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Thank you to everyone who signed up and gave blood at the blood drive on Wednesday. We had a record 52 donors this year- way to go!
ATTENTION: Current Student Council members who need to run for re-election and those wishing to be a part of Student Council next year- Petitions for Student Council elections are available in the library. Please see Mrs. Smith for your petition. We will be holding elections May 9th and petitions will need to be returned to Mrs. Smith by Wednesday, May 7, no exceptions.
HOGG CREEK SUMMER SOCCER LEAGUE: There is a sign-up sheet in the high school office for any girls interested in playing Hogg Creek Summer Soccer league. The season begins in June and runs through early July. This is open to any girls that will be in High School this fall. Please be sure and sign up by Monday, April 28th if you are interested. Any questions can be directed to Makenna or Makayla Callahan, Kaitlyn Long or Rielyn Castle.