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Charles Van Dyne tells Kiwanis members about trip to Keys

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday February 11th in McIntosh Center, ONU.
The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.
The member birthday of Peter Previte (February 17th) was noted.
The membership anniversaries of Tom Kier (February 16th), 1999) and Manda Bennett (February 19, 2013) were noted.
Bryan Marshall congratulated Bob McCurdy on his hard work on the church re-building committee.

In business:
-Members heard an updated club financial report.
-Secretary Brian Myers noted that the January Monthly Report was submitted on time and that information on the spring’s Key Leader program has been received.
-The satellite club will meet tomorrow at 6 PM at the Community Health Professionals Building.
-The club’s chili delivery to families has been selected as Thursday February 20th. A sign-up sheet was passed around to cook, package, and deliver chili. The committee for this project is: Claudia Crawford, Bob McCurdy, Manda Bennett and Jon Umphress. See attached.
-The annual Pancake and Sausage Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 29th. Tickets are now available from any club members.
-The next Division 2 Meeting is March 12, 2014 at Milano’s Café in Lima at 6:30 p.m.
President Heather Cox passed out a program list for April thru June.
-Bill Fuller reported that ONU Circle K hold its first meeting of the semester tonight.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: Persons who have performed a distinguished public service may be elected to honorary membership in a Kiwanis club. Honorary members must be re-elected annually. Honorary members may attend meetings and other club activities but cannot vote or hold office in the club. Honorary members do not pay membership fees or dues, but the club provides each honorary member with a subscription to Kiwanis magazine.
-Something to Ponder: How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?

-Upcoming Meetings/Events
-February 18 – No Meeting
-February 19 – Wednesday evening (6 PM Community Health Professionals BLDG).
-February 20 – Chili Distribution event
-February 25 – Bryan Marshall – Deb Curlis to talk about Chamber events
-March 4 – New China
-March 8 – Ohio Kiwanis Mid-Year Education Day
March 11 – Scott Allison
March 11 – Board Meeting (following regular meeting)
March 12 – Division 2 Meeting – Milano’s Café
March 18 – Carol Friesner
March 25 – John Berg-discuss Pancake and Sausage Day
March 29 – Pancake and Sausage Day

Charles Van Dyne speaker

Marilyn Green introduced Charles Van Dyne as her speaker for the day.
He spoke about a recent trip to Key West, Florida via a boat from Ft. Meyers.

He talked about the various sites and experiences that they had including learning about the history of the Key) it was originally a pirate’s alcove, Ernest Hemingway’s life, Harry Truman’s vacation home called the Little White House (including his poker table),and the entertainment at Mallory Square at sunset which included “Dominique the Cat Man who has trained house cats.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12:00 in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.              
Visit the club’s web site or Facebook page. The web site can be found at:
