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Lots of rescheduled events on Ada school calendar

Here are some announcements from the Ada schools, taken from the school website. Several events have been rescheduled and have additional snow dates listed.

Jan. 28 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal due to Teacher In-Service meetings

JUNIORS & SENIORS: The Lima News and Bluffton University are sponsoring the Leaders of Tomorrow program. All nominees will be recognized in a special section of the Lima News and invited to attend an awards recognition banquet! The 10 finalists and top honoree will receive special awards! Each school can nominate up to three juniors and three seniors. Apply by Jan. 31.

DRIVE TIME DRIVING INSTRUCTION: Convenient, comfortable and quality driver’s ed in Bluffton begins Sunday, Feb. 2. Reserve your spot in the February class today at You’ll be home in time for the Super Bowl kickoff.

GEOGRAPHY BEE RESCHEDULED: The geography bee for grades 4-8 has been rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 27 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. In the case of inclement weather, this will be rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 30 at 2 p.m.

REMINDER: Just a reminder that you can sign up for text messaging and email notifications on the Ada Bulldogs home page at and follow the directions under “quick links”.

HONOR ROLL ASSEMBLY: Due to inclement weather conditions the honor roll assembly for student’s grades 4-6 will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. This is to recognize those students in grades 4, 5 and 6 with academic success for the second nine weeks grading period. Parents are welcome to attend and should enter through the south entrance.

