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Kiwannis Club members get update on Ada's Safe Routes to Schools

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon on Tuesday January 14th in McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

Angela Polacheck was welcomed as a guest.

The member birthdays of Mark Light (January 22nd) and Tom Kier (January 24th) were noted.

The membership anniversary of Bob McCurdy (January 21 1997) was also noted.
It was reported that Mark Light broke his foot his cast looks good). Mark Shull and Bob McCurdy reported that Al Baillis seems to be doing well.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall
-Secretary Brian Myers noted that Ohio Kiwanis 2014 Mid-Year Education Day will be held at the Marriott Columbus Airport Hotel on March 14th.
- There was no report from the satellite club.
-It was reported that a grant application has been received by the Ohio Kiwanis Foundation for the Pediatric Boards. There are some details that need to be submitted before they will consider us in May.
-Bob McCurdy reported that a date has been selected as Thursday February 20th.  To deliver chili to area shut-ins, A sign-up sheet was passed around to cook, package, and deliver. The committee for this is: Claudia Crawford, Bob McCurdy, Amanda Bennett and Jon Umphress.
-The club’s 62 annual Pancake and Sausage Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th at the Ada High School Cafeteria.
-Our next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th immediately following the regular meeting.  
-Kiwanis Education Minute: Kiwanis became an international organization in November 1916 with the creation of the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. However, the organization’s official name, “Kiwanis Club,” was not changed to “Kiwanis International” until the Constitutional Convention in Denver in 1924.
-Something to Ponder: Why call it a building if it’s already been built?

-Upcoming Meetings/Events
-January 28 – Jeff Shulman
-February 4 – New China
-February 11 – Marilyn Green
-February 11 – Board Meeting (following regular meeting)
-February 18 – no meeting
-February 19 – Wednesday evening
-February 25 – Harold Friesner – Deb Curlis to talk about Chamber events
-March 4 -Bryan Marshall

Amanda Bennett introduced Angela Polacheck who spoke about the village's Safe Routes to Schools initiative.

This is a National initiative where Ada Schools applied for a grant from ODOT.

Money has been granted ($250,000) to create new sidewalks (it cannot be used to replace sidewalks).

Sidewalks will be added to Highland Street and Grand Avenue.

There was a discussion on the safe routes include bus stops and bike routes.

The number 1 goal for 2014 is to replace/place some new bike racks at the school.

Each rack may cost as much as $650 each. They are also looking at also evaluating the crosswalks at the school especially the diagonal one at Montford Avenue.

Amanda Bennett won the 50-50 drawing.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
