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The weatherman says 2013 was a pretty normal year

Considering weather conditions, 2013 had the feel of a “normal” year in Bluffton. The monthly totals provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer for the Icon, confirm that.

Precipitation for 2013, at 41.13 inches falls in the not-too-little, not-too-much range, when compared to records back to from 2006.

Annual weather summaries from 2006 to 2013 are in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Snowfall of 34.7 inches appears to compare to normal snowfall over the past eight years – 2006 being the exception with only 11.9 inches.

The 2013 low temperature reading of minus 2 and high of 97 also fits into the “normal” cycle. It’s a bit strange, however, when you realize we live in a section of the country that has a 99-degree temperature range. On paper, it gives the impression of a wild temperature range. But, over a 12-month period, we appear to adjust to it.

The attachment at the bottom of this story provides month-by-month records of highs, lows, averages and recording of wet stuff.

Also provided are averages since 2006.
