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Still time to nominate Ada's Distinguished Citizen of the Year - here's the all-time list

The nomination period for Ada's Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award for 2013 is now open.

A nomination form is a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story. Copies are also available in  in the Village Office. Nominations and completed forms are due by Oct. 18, according to Angela Polacheck of the Village of Ada.

The award will be presented at the 48th annual Town & Gown Banquet Monday, Nov. 4. The evening's festivities will begin with a social hour from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.  Tickets are $15, and tickets will be available soon.


1957 Harry Sousley
1958 T.J. Smull
1959 F. Bringle Mclntosh
1960 Avanell Stambaugh
1961 Barton Snyder
1962 W.E. Binkley
1963 E.M. Routson
1964 Floyd M. Elliott
1965 Von M. Spellman
1966 Claude W. Pettit
1967 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huber
1968 Clyde Lamb
1969 Mrs. Leonard McAdams
1970 Lowell Reese1
1971 Errett Motter
1972 Billie Hindall
1973 Willis Winkler
1974 Walter S.
1975 Samuel L Meyer
1976 Irwin Vandemark
1977 John A. Kramer
1978 Robert Bischoff' (Posthumously)
(No awarded presented from 1979 to 1987)
1988 Robert Elliott
1989 George Hassell
1989 Edwin R. Rodabaugh
1990 Eugene and Katie Lou Hanson
1991 Richard Chambers
1992 Grover Wickenden
1993 Elizabeth (Betty) Millet
1994 Harold E. Remsburg
1995 DeBow and Catherine Freed
1996 Charles VanDyne
1996 David and Jane Weimer
1997 Jean Searson
1998 James and Jane KIingenberger
1999 Jonell Hanratty
2000 William L Robinson
2001 Evelyn Jenkins
2002 Mark Shull
2003 Vicki Wolke
2003 Jo Kindle
2004 James Meyer
2005 Ed and Rosie Williams
2006 Norm Rex
2007 Richard "Dick" Lawrence
2008 Arden Searson
2009 Terry Keiser
2010 Kendall and Toby Baker
2011 Mary Bowden
2012 Jim Turner
