Three hundred people were on hand Sunday afternoon to wish Agnes Crates a happy 100th birthday at a celebration at the Ada VFW.
Relatives and guests came from far and wide to congratulate one of their favorite persons on her long and wonderful life as well as give and receive a hug and kiss from the honored guest.
Agnes was born on Sept. 23, 1913 in Forest, Ohio. She married Ralph Crates when she was almost 17 and they moved to his home in Ada. While Ralph died in 1948, Agnes continues to live in the same home 83 years later.
Two of their three children are living and attended the party along with many grandchildren and great grandchildren from as far away as California. Son Jerry Crates lives in Lima and daughter Suzie Sutherland resides in Kenton. Son Jim (Tater) Crates lived in Ada for many years and was living in California when he died at age 66.
Agnes attends many functions at the Hardin County Council on Aging in Kenton as well as senior citizen activities at the Community Health Professionals in Ada. When called upon to offer prayers at various events, she quotes scripture that she has memorized throughout her life. She continues to be active in the Grace Gospel Church in Ada.
New Ada Centenarian Agnes Crates is congratulated by Ada resident Nadean Amidon who celebrated her 101st birthday on Feb. 5, 2013. Nadean and her husband (now deceased) moved to Ada in 1998 to be near her daughter Jean (Sam) Beckley who has since retired as an Ada Elementary School teacher and moved to Lexington, Ky. Another daughter Carole Lazor lives in Columbus.