UPDATE: Scheduling a location and review by Village council has delayed meetings originally named at the March 18 council meeting.
Regulations and permits considered for transient businesses including mobile food vendors
By Paula Pyzik Scott
At the March 18 Village of Ada council meeting, a proposed ordinance was tabled regarding establishing requirements and regulations for transient businesses and vendors, mobile food vendors and food trucks operating within the Village of Ada. Council member Bob Simmons commented that he would like to see community input on the topic and a tabling motion was approved by the other members.
Pages 46-59 of the meeting packet (attached HERE) presents a draft of the ordinance, [which will be presented at a future date]. It also includes copies of associated forms.
The passage of three readings is required to enact a new ordinance. Modifications to the ordinance can be made between readings.
The following description provides highlights and is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of details in the 10-page preliminary legislation draft.
The draft defines the types of businesses for which the ordinance would apply. The draft proposes when vendors would be required to seek a permit that authorizes the sale of foods and goods.
The draft distinguishes between vendors operating on “public streets, public properties, public sidewalks, public parking lots or other places frequented by the public, or upon any public or private property as part of an approved special event” and those operating as “a regulated Temporary Use entirely upon private property.”
The 10-page draft outlines details regarding Village contacts, payment of fees, background checks, site plans, descriptions of activities, sanitation, submission of dates, applicable licensing by health, fire and other regulatory agencies, identification and insurance.
The draft details a review and approval process.
The draft waives permit requirements for Village and chamber sponsored events.
The draft has special provisions for mobile food vendors including applicability, fees, parking locations, parking duration, operation in various zoning districts, hours of operation, restrictions on freestanding structures, signs and permit display,