The Village of Ada sent the following notice on March 3 regarding email updates on the South Gilbert Storm Sewer Project.
Dear Village of Ada property owner,
The Village Ada’s South Gilbert Street Storm Sewer Improvement Project is scheduled to start in early spring of 2025. The scope of this project will include replacement of storm sewer and storm structures on South Gilbert Street and Dobbins Ave between Lima Ave and Main Street. This project is being administrated through the Hardin County Commissioners and is partially funded with a State grant from Community Block Development Grant (CDBG). If you receive this notification letter, your property is located in the area of construction. We would like to keep you updated during the Construction work being performed as part of South Gilbert Street Storm Sewer Improvement Project.
During construction, local traffic will be maintained with periodic limitations for access to driveways and on street parking. We ask for understanding and patience as the project progresses and will try to limit the amount of inconvenience caused by the project. We are excited to begin this project and know the storm sewer collection system will improve the street drainage issues we have during heavy rain.
We plan to send out email updates as the project progresses as well as posting to the Village website:
If you would like to be included in the email project updates, please send an email to [email protected]. We have established a contact list for the West Montford Improvement Project to use for communications on the project. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me by email or cell 567-712-9070.