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Citizens Sheriff’s Academy now taking applications

Tuesday evenings, Sept. 24-Oct. 29

Hardin County Sheriff's Office, 1025 S. Main St., Kenton

Sheriff Keith Everhart has announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Hardin County Citizens Sheriff’s Academy, to be conducted on consecutive Tuesdays from September 24 to October 29. The sessions are planned for 6 to 8:30 p.m.

The Academy will provide participants with a working knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office. It explains aspects of the Sheriff’s responsibilities using classroom and hands-on participation to provide an overview of the talents, skills, diversity and quality of the Sheriff’s Office. 

Opportunities will be provided for questions and expression of concerns and ideas.

Areas of instruction facilitated by Sheriff’s Office personnel will include Sheriff’s administration and finance, enforcement, communications, investigations, special operations, firearms, court services and corrections – including a tour of the Multi-County Correctional Center in Marion. 

Past participants have evaluated the Academy as a “solid investment” of time, “very informative,” “very interesting,” “engaging,” “enjoyable” and that it “exceeded expectations!”

Applications may be picked up at the Sheriff’s Office or at the Sheriff’s Office booth in the Community Building during the Hardin County Fair.

Applications must be completed and returned with a $25 non-refundable fee (check or money order only) by Friday, September 20. Applicants must be Hardin County residents 18 years of age (post-high school) or older. Class size is limited. An Academy certificate of completion will be awarded to those who finish the course.

Questions may be directed to Sheriff Everhart or Chief Deputy Dennis Burns at (419) 673-1268 or by email to or  
