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Ada Rotary introduces new officers

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The Ada Rotary is a highly visible service organization and a visit to the group’s weekly meeting is a good reminder of how the Rotary represents and supports the community.

At the July 25 gathering of the Ada Rotary club, the Icon was introduced to the club’s new officers for 2023-2024 (as pictured, L-R): Denise D'Arca, Membership; Laurie Laird, Treasurer; Ric Johnson, President; Kayla Richardson, President-elect; John Neville, Interim Secretary; and Bob Ward, Sergeant-at-Arms. When Neville led the group in prayer, it included a petition for a new secretary to come forward.

The meeting also provided an overview of the club’s upcoming activities, including:

Providing a canteen for the July 31 Red Cross Blood Drive. (8 appointments remain at this writing.)

Holding a picnic at War Memorial Park on the evening of August 6 for members and their guests.

Hosting the Rotary ring-toss (win a cane) at the August 12 Farmers & Merchants picnic.


The club meets weekly on Tuesdays at the Inn at ONU. At this meeting, which included lunch, the program was a presentation by Martha Nau, the new director of the Hardin County United Way. A native of Ada, Nau noted that the communities of Ada, Kenton and USV can be “locked into” a focus on their area, and that it’s important to remember that  Hardin County shares common needs and resources.

Nau reviewed established and anticipated programs provided by the United Way in Hardin County:

A 211 Helpline is in the works. This service would provide a single contact for support services that also provides followup to determine if a resident found the assistance they needed.

School support: While a “stuff the bus” program has been traditional, schools are indicating that items beyond school supplies are also needed, such as shoes.

This fall a Lunch Buddies program will begin. Nau is working with the schools to coordinate background checks.

While talking about donations, Nau commented on a persistent myth about United Way funds. She emphasized that all donations stay in Hardin County. This year $141,950 was distributed to Hardin County organizations. All organizations that put in applications received 100% of the requested amount.

For more information about volunteering, making a donation or advocating for the United Way, visit


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