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Summer garden programs offered by Hardin Co. master gardenres

Free events on June 15, July 20 and August 17

HARDIN COUNTY–The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting three summer garden programs at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County located at 960 W. Kohler Street in  Kenton. The programs will begin with an event on “Hugelkulture” on June 15, “Worm Composting” on  July 20, and another on “Growing Cabbage, Broccoli, and Kohlrabi” on August 17. 

Learn about Hugelkulture on Thursday, June 15 from 6:00-7:00 pm. Hugelkulture is a centuries old  traditional way of building a garden bed from rotten logs and plant debris. This program will be  presented by Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Kim Thomas. 

A great way to make the richest and cheapest compost for all your garden plants is to practice Worm  Composting. Join Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Kim Thomas on Thursday,  July 20 from 6:00-7:00 pm for this educational program to enhance your garden’s soil. 


Want to know the best techniques for growing cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi? Learn the tricks on how  to grow these delicious vegetables, and tips on how to keep them pest and disease free. This program  will be held Thursday, August 17 from 6:00-7:00 pm and will be presented by Hardin County OSU  Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Stewart Coats. 

These events are free and open to the public, rain or shine with the featured program inside the shelter  house at the Friendship Gardens with seating. Registration is not necessary to attend. Master Gardener  Volunteers will be stationed throughout the Friendship Gardens before and after the programs to  answer your gardening questions. All interested gardeners are encouraged to attend.
