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Kenton-Hardin Health Department warns of Benadryl TikTok challenge

It has come to the attention of the Kenton-Hardin Health Department that the Benadryl TikTok challenge is recirculating on social media. In 2020 the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a warning pertaining to the dangers of this challenge. We want to make the public aware of what this challenge consists of so that parents and other individuals are aware of the dangers and what to watch for. The challenge consists of an individual filming themselves while ingesting anywhere between 12 -14 pills of the over - the - counter drug Benadryl. It is believed that individuals are doing this to experience the toxicities of the side effects of the drug which include hallucinations.

Recently in Ohio a 13-year-old male teenager overdosed after attempting the Benadryl challenge. His friends filmed the challenge and soon after ingesting the pills the teen started to seize. The male was transported to the hospital where he later succumbed to the toxic side effects a Benadryl overdose can have on a person. There is currently no antidote to reverse the toxic effects of Benadryl.

Please be aware of what your child/children are watching on social media and what they are posting. Please talk to your children about the dangers of this challenge and the serious consequences of overdosing on Benadryl.
