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Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference March 14-15 in Ada

After March 1, registration fees increase

The Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference (CTC) will be held in- person March 14-15 at  Ohio Northern University in Ada. This year’s conference will feature David Hula, four-time winner of the National Corn Growers Association Yield Contest and current record holder at 616 bushels per acre–all accomplished with no-till and strip-till. His presentation has been made possible by sponsors Brandt Professional Agriculture, Calmer  Corn Heads, Pioneer Seeds, and Meristem Crop Performance. 

Connect with other farmers and CCAs, experience new ideas, and increase your net income. Historically over 800  individuals will attend each day of this two-day conference, making it the largest agricultural meeting in  northwestern Ohio.  

The meeting and program have been developed by The Ohio State University Extension Specialists along with  Agriculture and Natural Resources Educators in local counties with assistance from local Soil and Water  Conservation Districts, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and United States Department of Agriculture Natural  Resources Conservation Service. 

Farmers, consultants, industry representatives, and government officials will meet each day to listen to university  specialists, industry representatives, and producers discuss new products and ideas for agriculture. David Hula,  four-time winner of the National Corn Growers Association Yield Contest, will be the opening speaker at the  General Session, starting at 8:30, March 14. He will also be part of Q&A with David Hula during a breakout session  the same day. Master Farmer Awards and CCA of the Year will be announced. 

All four concurrent sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday. The Tuesday session on Soil Health, Cover Crops  and No-till will include Jim Hoorman, Michael Wattercutter, Jason Sneed, Will Osterholz, Rachel Cochran, Clint  Schroeder, Brad Bergefurd, and a panel of Ryan Hayden, Aaron Wilson, and Cody Beacom. The same session on 

Wednesday will include Greg McGlinch, Marion Calmer, Nathan Brown, Jennifer Blesh, Kevin Bradley, Jane Fife, Jim  Hoorman, and a panel of Jeff Duling, Nathan Brown, Les Seiler, and Bill Richards. 

The other three concurrent sessions on Tuesday are: Nutrient Management, Agronomic Crop Management, and  Precision Ag Technology. The Nutrient Management session will include Glen Arnold, Mike Cook, Christine Brown,  an Ohio Department of Agriculture veterinarian, Andy Ety, Duane Stateler, Anthony Stateler, Marion Calmer, Paige  Fitzwater, Curtis Tobe, Eric & Megan Dresbach, and Stephanie Kulesza.  

Tuesday Agronomic Crop Management sessions include Carl Bradley, Horacio Lopez-Nicora, David Hula, Tony Vyn,  Alex Lindsey, and Osler Ortez. Precision Ag Technology sessions include Alan Leininger, Terry Mescher, Elizabeth  Hawkins, Jordan Shockley, Scott Shearer, and a panel of Bill Lehmkuhl, Scott Shearer, and John Fulton. Wednesday  Agronomic Crop Management sessions include Pierce Paul, Stephanie Karhoff, Laura Lindsey, Jane Fife, Kevin  Bradley, Alyssa Essman, John Wallace, Aaron Wilson, Jamie Hampton, Taylor Dill, Amanda Douridas, and Nick  Eckel. 

The four sessions on Wednesday will begin at 8:30 a.m., and end about 4:30 p.m. The Soil Health, Cover Crops and No-till  and Agronomic Crop Management sessions will continue. The other two focus on: Water Quality and Conservation  Practices, and Climate and Carbon. Water Quality and Conservation Practices will include Merrin Macrae, Matthew  Romanko, Laura Johnson, Nate Manning, Brittany Hanrahan, Mark Williams, Lourdes Arrueta Antequera, Jordan  Hoewischer, Terry Mescher, Rick Wilson, and Greg Nageotte. Climate and Carbon will include Aaron Wilson,  Warren Dick, Dave Brandt, Shawn Lucas, Mike Estadt, and Peggy Kirk Hall. 

Registration is a flat rate of $100 (after March 1, registration is $150). This registration is available online at and includes exclusive access to all presentations online for 30 days following  the conference. For Crop Consultants, the QR code will be active for that month. (Crop Consultants must register  individually to receive CCA credits.) Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss one-on-one with speakers,  exhibitors, sponsors, and other participants by attending this year’s Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference.
