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Local organizers note: Youth soccer referees are always needed

UPDATED with information on earning potential

Shortages of referees in youth sports is news across the nation. Currently the Ada, Ohio Soccer Association is encouraging local supporters to consider becoming a Youth Soccer Referee and providing information on how to get involved.

Local officials also note, "you can recoup the cost of becoming certified fairly quickly and then everything after that is extra money in your pocket."

Full instructions HERE; summary follows:

STEP 1: US Soccer Learning Center (online, self paced course). Must complete the following requirements:

- Referees must be at least 13 years old in order to create and register for an account.
- Introduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments -1 hour
- SafeSport (if 18 years or older) - 1 hour 
- Online Grassroots Referee Course Module - 4.5 hours 
- First Time Grassroots Referee Quiz - 45 mins.
- U.S. Soccer Federation Gold Standard NCSI Background Check (if 18 years or older)

STEP 2: Attend ONE Training Session

- 3 Hours January 21 : 1-4 p.m. Pacesetter Indoor Facility 5400 Central Ave, Toledo
- February 18: 9-12 p.m. BGSU Perry Field House 801 N Mercer Rd, Bowling Green
- March 4: 4-7 p.m. Pacesetter Indoor Facility 5400 Central Ave, Toledo

STEP 3: Contact Aaron Wolfe: [email protected] Toledo District Referee Administrator to let him know you have completed all requirements.

How much does it cost? US Soccer Online Class: $50 NCSI Background Check: $30 Basic Uniform Referee Kit: $60 Referee will earn back the startup cost ($140) after working 4-5 games.
