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Kiwanis members get update on Lima I-75 construction

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order on Tuesday June 18,  at 12:01 p.m. in McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

The following guests were introduced: Scott Mullens, Rhonda Pees and Dr. Bruce Burton.

The membership anniversary of member Brian Myers (June 22, 2004) was noted.

Jon and Sue Umphress were congratulated on their 42nd wedding anniversary June 20th.

Member Dr. Brian Myers Associate Professor of Chemistry has co-written an article, “Profiles in Chemistry: A Historical Perspective on the National Organic Symposium,” which will be published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry June 21st addition. Myers also created the cover art for this issue. It will be distributed to all the attendees at the upcoming meeting in Seattle.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.
-Secretary Brian Myers noted that the Ohio District Convention delegate’s form has been received.
-The next satellite club meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 19, at 6 p.m.
-The club will provide the community meal tonight at Restore Community Center.
  -The club will be plant a tree in memory of former member Von M. Spellman in War Memorial Park on Wednesday July 10. This will be an evening meeting. There will be no meeting at noon.
-Joe Ferguson update members on the Chicken BBQ set for July 12.

Kiwanis Education Minute:  Amendments to be considered at Kiwanis International Convention include: provide that criminal background checks conducted by districts will be accepted by Kiwanis International; and adopting several new forms of Kiwanis membership.

Something to consider:
From- “Live and Learn and Pass it On” From someone 33, “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t buy cheap shoes, cheap tools, or cheap toilet paper.” And from a 5 year old, “I’ve learned how to hold animals without killing them.”

Upcoming meetings/Events:
-June 25  Peter Previte (program provided by Chris Daniels on Identity Theft)
-July 2  Al Baillis
-July 10  Tree dedication Ada Park 6pm picnic
-July 12  Buy Ada First Chicken BBQ
July 16  we will be at New China
-July 23  Sharon MacKenzie
-July 30  Bill Fuller
-August 6  Amanda Bennett

Bob McCurdy introduced Scott Mullins and Rhonda Pees who discussed the I-75 construction projects in Lima.  The entire project involves 3 phases where the Lima corridor of I-75 is being updated with some extra lanes for traffic control and safety.

The first two phases have costs of $7.98 M and $63.2 M, respectively.

The first phases is already complete and the second phase should be completed toward the end of 2014 or early 2015.

Phase 3 could start in March of 2014 and involves 5.5 miles south of Lima.

The interchanges at 81 and 309 will be changed to diamond vs. a cloverleaf type. Some noise walls will be installed (the first in the area).

They are maintaining 2 lanes open on I-75 except for occasionally lane closures at night.

The Fourth Street ramps will be closed for reconstruction for 45 days. Fourth Street will remain open thru the project.

Scott mentioned that all four lanes of 309 will be open during the fair in the later summer and access to area businesses is being maintained.

They then discussed some the challenges of the project including safety, coordination with the various agencies, and the various utilities buried in the area. They also described their sources of communication with the public including email lists, website (, Facebook (, and Twitter ( resources.

A question was asked about having 3 lanes on I-75 in Lima. Scott answered that there are plans to create 3 lanes from Findlay North to Toledo, but South of Findlay the current traffic levels do not call for 3 lanes until you reach Troy.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets weekly at 12:00 noon at Ohio Northern University, Ada. Guests are always welcome.

For more information, visit the club’s web site at: .


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