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Robert Waters honored in Eagle Scout ceremony

In early October, Ada Troop 124 held a Court of Honor for Robert (Robby) Waters for attaining the Eagle Badge.

The court was led by Donald Waters, brother of Robby, and presided over by Don Spar and Tom Lehman, Scout Masters.

Fr. Ed Shikina, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, 300 E. Highland, told of Robby’s Eagle project, which was a beautification of the grounds and installation of female saint statues at the church.

Robby told the Icon “As soon as Donald finished his [Eagle] project, I knew I wanted to continue it. I thought it would be awesome if we could both leave our mark and benefit the same place, which also happened to be my church since before I was cognizant.

“It was pretty expensive, so we needed lots of financial support from the community. Also, I was not and still am not great with tools, wood, or anything like that, so an amazing member of our church, Steve Johnson, provided tremendous support on that end, and I'm incredibly thankful for him and everyone else who donated and made the project possible.”

Robby is the son of Rob and Sarah Waters and is a senior at Ada High School. This ceremony also marked 100 years of Eagle Scouts from Troop 124. An attached photo shows a plaque with the names of Troop 124 Eagle Scouts from 1922-2022.


Sarah, Robert, Robby Waters and Don Spar

Troop 124 Eagles from 1922-2022

An Aerie of Recent Eagles from Troop 124: Robby Waters, Aaron Spar, Donald Waters, Kamron Wilkerson, and Dexter Woods III

