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Summary of October 4 Ada Council Meeting

CORRECTION: Council members abstaining from the Grandview Blvd. assessment motion has been corrected to show that Linda Mason abstained; Sheila Coressel voted in support.

The October 4 regular meeting of the Ada Council convened with all members present, as well as three visitors in addition to reporters. (Packet here)

Ada residents living at 419 and 420 Grandview were in attendance to request a correction of the frontage assessed in the Grandview Blvd improvement project. The properties are in the cul-de-sac at the end of the road. Village administrator Jame Hall concurred that the assessed size of 146 feet was inaccurate. A new, true measurement of 94 feet was determined and approved by council (with Mason and Beck abstaining from the vote). Hall noted that this would be a precedent for future projects.

Mark B. Schwemer, an independent candidate for Judge of the Domestic Relations Division of the Hardin County Common Pleas Court, introduced himself to council. An attorney with a general family practice in Kenton, Schwemer has a law degree from Michigan State University and is the solicitor for the Villages of Dunkirk and Mt. Victory, among other professional appointments.

A resolution amending the Classification Specification Plan (Associate Water and Wastewater, Lead Water and Wastewater, and Head Wastewater) was passed unanimously.

A resolution opposing the contractual relationship between eight Division I university football teams in Ohio for use of Nike footballs was passed by emergency with Bob Simmons voting no and Sheila Coressel abstaining. In the discussion, Simmons noted that 96% of large college teams don’t use Wilson footballs (which are made in Ada). The resolution follows a 1998 act of council that opposed Ohio State University plans to use Nike footballs. In 2022 OSU announced that it would be using Nike footballs.

A first reading of an ordinance approving the recodification of the Codified Ordinances of Ada was approved unanimously.

An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to assess street lights for Year 2023 by emergency was passed unanimously.

Bob Simmons-Personnel Committee reported that it will soon be talking talking about next year’s salaries; Jamie Hall has employee evaluations ready for meetings next week.

Chief Michael Harnishfeger reported for the Ada Police Department:

  • Are researching new processes for policies and procedures.
  • The application period for the new Chief of Police will close Monday, October 10; eight applications have been received to date with four having Ohio certification.
  • The department is still waiting on a new cruiser and spending on maintenance of aging vehicles.
  • All officers qualified in firearms on October 4.
  • Six vehicles were damaged by fire in an ONU parking lot.
  • OVI arrest and companion arrested for obstructing justice
  • Handled cases of underage drinking, fraud, assault and sexual assault
  • Multiple complaints of loud parties; several shut down and will issue summons if continue
  • Officer Penny Keller Clark has been very active in the community at events and activities, giving out safety information and serving as a “community officer.”

Jamie Hall-Village Administrator reported:

  • First three quadrants of windshield tree survey are done. Six trees should be removed this fall, requiring $7K reappropriated from another line item in the same fund. Recommends Tawa Tree Service due to size of equipment and safety advantages.
  • Reminder that the Village has the opportunity to apply for $750K community development block grant through Hardin County. A notice will be sent in water bills for a public meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Oct 29 at 10 a.m. in the Depot. Grant process requires property owners to take the lead in generating input on projects needed.
  • Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) has passed a motion to enter a purchase agreement with Pegasus Specialty Vehicles for the purchase of 23 acres in the industrial park.

The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.


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