The Ada Area Doctor Committee is activating its funds to create a new scholarship for area students pursuing a medical/healthcare career. The funds will be held and awarded by the Hardin County Community Foundation.
The committee was formed in 1985 to bring a doctor to the Ada community. Some $20K were raised to serve as a scholarship fund. Lawrence Kuk was selected as the recipient. He completed his medical training, opened a practice in 1990 and repaid the loan in 1995.
There is now over $38,000 in the fund to be used for future scholarship awards.
The Ada Area Doctor Committee trustees have designated three school districts where students may apply for scholarships: Ada Village Exempted Schools, Hardin Northern Local School District and Upper Scioto Valley Schools.
The principal of the fund will be held in perpetuity by the foundation and the generated income will be awarded to students pursuing careers such as physician, BSRN, RN, optometrist, dentist, STNA, LPN, respiratory therapist, etc.
In early 1985, a group of Ada Area citizens recognized the need for a local physician. The Ada Area Doctor Committee was formed to solicit funds to assist in recruiting a doctor. Some 5,300 Information letters were sent to local residents. The letter explained the need and purpose of the committee’s goals and asked for donations to fund a scholarship. The scholarship would help defray the educational costs for a medical student who would return to the area to practice.
The committee received 157 responses from individuals, families, local groups and businesses interested in contributing to the cause. By August 1988, $20,000 had been donated.
Lawrence Kuk was selected from a pool of candidates as the scholarship recipient. After graduating from medical school, Dr. Kuk and his family moved to Ada He remains a practicing physician and a contributing citizen in Ada and the region.
Original trustees:
Officers: David Houx, chairman; Terry Keiser, vice chairman; Jack Daniels, treasurer and Saundra Neely, secretary; Wayne Fleming, Clyde Dornbush, Mary Bowden, Jim Turner, Charles VanDyne, Rick Combs and Fred Heifner. Beulah Hays and Bryan Marshall would replace Wayne Fleming and Jack Daniels as trustees.
Lou Lobenhofer helped establish tax-exempt status for the project.
In April 2019 the remaining trustees met with attorney Charles VanDyne and Dr. Lawrence Kuk to discuss further use of the funds. They are Terry Keiser, chairman; Mary Bowden, vice chair; Bryan Marshall, treasurer and Saundra Neely, secretary.