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Meeting and greeting new students, new ONU president

On August 17 new Ohio Northern students were greeted by GNBs (Good News Bears) and by the university's new president, Dr. Melissa Bauman. Move-in day is a big deal on campus with reverberations around town.

GNBs at the corner of College and Main streets waved welcome signs, received "beep-beeps" of support from truck drivers and greeted everyone who came their way. FYI, this is one of the largest freshman classes to date, with about 677 students and some 400 arriving last Wednesday.

It didn't take long for the Icon to find President Baumann who was taking part in the proceedings with a student escort and golf cart. You'll find the official introduction to Baumann in this earlier Icon article. Our aim on move-in day was to toss a few ice-breaker questions her way--to help introduce Baumann to her off-campus neighbors.

If we were to create a "President Baumann" sandwich, what would be on it? Roasted turkey on sourdough, aged cheddar, and arugula with remoulade sauce.

Favorite binge watch?
Game of Thrones.

Who was you childhood hero/role model? 
My dad. Always my dad.

Biggest surprise so far in Ada?
I heard that people were friendly, but this is friendly on steroids! And I didn't expect it to be quite so windy.

What are you looking forward to most this school year?
Meeting as many of the faculty, students, alumni, staff and trustees as possible. I want to hear people's Polar Bear stories.

With Ada's college town identity refreshed, here are few dates to keep in mind:

Fall semester at ONU begins today, Monday, August 22.

First home football game: 1:00 p.m. on September 3 vs. Alma (Mich.)

Homecoming Weekend: October 21-23