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Ada Council minutes for August 9, agenda for August 16

The Icon staff attends and reports on many but not all Village of Ada Council meetings. In place of our usual summary, we offer the minutes of the August 9 meeting, which council will be asked to approved tomorrow evening.

The agenda for the 6:30 p.m. August 16 meeting is on the village website HERE. To join remotely please follow this Zoom link:

Village of Ada Council Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2022 6:30 p.m.
Municipal Building, Council Chambers
115 W. Buckeye Ave, Ada, OH

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Dave Retterer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

ROLL CALL: Council members Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, and Mr. Simmons were present on roll call.

OTHER VILLAGE OFFICIALS PRESENT: Village Administrator Jamie Hall, Fiscal Officer Patty Navin, Police Chief Michael Harnishfeger, and Village Solicitor Jane Napier.

OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Thomas-Kenton Times, Tracy Hollar and Brian Barrington with Pegasus, Deb Curlis, Jap Epley and Dustin Jordan with the Ada Liberty Fire Department. Joe Shriner-Ada Herald was present via web.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES from Regular Council Meeting on July 19, 2022 as amended:
1st: Mr. Oestreich 2nd: Ms. Mason
Discussion: Ms. Coressel asked for the addition of the change of date of next Council meeting due to her, Ms. Mason’s, and Mr. Oestreich’s absence on August 2, 2022.

Roll Call: Six ayes, with Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, and Mr. Beck voting aye. Motion carried.

2022-15A in the amount of $113,135.12 was presented for discussion.
1st: Ms. Coressel 2nd: Ms. Mason
Discussion: None
Roll call: Six ayes with Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, and Mr. Campbell voting aye. Motion carried.

2022-15B in the amount of $819.09 was presented for discussion.
1st: Mr. Oestreich 2nd: Mr. Campbell
Discussion: Noted that the agenda had incorrect amount – the Claims register was correct. Roll call: Five ayes, with Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, and Ms. Coressel voting aye. Ms. Mason abstained. Motion carried.

2022-15C in the amount of $72,037.23 was presented for discussion.
1st: Mr. Simmons 2nd: Mr. Beck
Discussion: None
Roll call: Six ayes, with Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, and Ms. Mason voting aye. Motion carried.

2022-15D in the amount of $69,022.39 was presented for discussion. 1st: Mr. Beck 2nd: Ms. Coressel

Roll call: Six ayes, with Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, and Mr. Oestreich, voting aye. Motion carried

OPEN FLOOR TO PUBLIC: Deb Curlis of Beatitudes Community Center was present to thank the Village for the storage of additional beds until they were given to those in need.

Brian Barrington, President of Pegasus Specialty Vehicles discussed plans for a 200,000 sq. ft. manufacturing building on the 22 acres within the Industrial Park. Currently property is under crop, but they hope to have concrete down before winter and open in October 2023. They are anticipating 60-90 jobs.

Dustin Jordan, Captain and Jay Epley, Chief from the Ada-Liberty Township Fire Department presented request to host the 150th Northern Ohio Volunteer Fire Association (NOVFA) convention in Ada in 2024. After discussion, Mayor Retterer requested that they send written request with dates, schedule of activities, needed road closures, and additional information on noise control to Council for their review.


ORDINANCES: 09-2022 An Ordinance Authorizing the Transfer of Certain Lands Owned by the Village of Ada to the Ada Area Community Improvement Corporation (ADA C.I.C.) and Declaring an Emergency.
Motion to declare emergency:

1st: Ms. Coressel 2nd: Mr. Simmons
Discussion: None
Roll Call: Six ayes, with Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, and Mr. Beck voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion to approve Ordinance 09-2022:
1st: Ms. Coressel 2nd: Mr. Oestreich
Discussion: None. Roll Call: Six ayes with Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, and Mr. Simmons voting aye. Motion carried.

OLD BUSINESS: Ms. Coressel updated Council on Ada-Liberty Ambulance District (District) policy on mental health transport and that their attorney confirmed that they are not required to transport if no medical emergency is evident. Discussion by Council regarding Ada Police’s response also in accordance with ORC 51-22.01

Mr. Simmons received a thank you to the Village from Kirsten Osborn-Manley for our donation to ONU’s 7th Annual Patriotic Pops Concert.

Discussion: None

NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Coressel announced that the District’s Board has approved a tax levy of 2 mils to be placed on the November ballot effective for five years beginning with 2022 assessments due in 2023. The District currently has a 1 mil levy and after the five years the rate would return to the 1 mil. The District anticipates having an open meeting on September 12th.

Mr. Oestreich requested an executive session under terms of employment 121.22.g(1).
1st: Mr. Oestreich 2nd: Mr. Simmons
Discussion: None
Roll Call: Six ayes with Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel and Ms. Mason voting aye. Motion carried.

Mr. Oestreich then requested an executive session under 121.22.g(5) – matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes - at the end of the meeting with no action to be taken.
1st: Mr. Oestreich 2nd: Mr. Simmons

Discussion: None
Roll Call: Six ayes with Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Coressel, Ms. Mason, and Mr. Oestreich voting aye. Motion carried.


SAFETY: Mr. Oestreich: No meeting, no report. Council went into executive session at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 7:24 p.m. Motion by Mr. Oestreich to rehire Victoria Sturgill as a police officer per attached letter. 1st: Mr. Oestreich 2nd: Mr. Coressel
Discussion: None. Roll Call: Six ayes, with Ms. Coressel, Mr. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, and Mr. Campbell voting aye. Motion carried.

PERSONNEL: Mr. Simmons: No meeting, no report.

STREETS: Mr. Campbell: No meeting, no report.

FINANCE: Ms. Mason: No meeting, no report.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Ms. Coressel: No meeting. Ms. Coressel directed Council to the letter in Council packets from the Tree Commission requesting the startup of a Village Green Waste site beginning September 3, 2022 and ending November 1, 2022 and then annually from April 1st through November 1st. Hours would include by appointment during the week and Saturday’s 9:00am-1:00pm with staff. Discussion regarding costs, staff scheduling. Item was referred to the Village Administrator Jamie Hall and the Fiscal Officer Patty Navin for additional information to be brought to the next Council meeting.

UTILITIES: Mr. Beck: No meeting. Mr. Beck will be rescheduling the Eclipse Committee in the next week or two. Emails will be sent. Mr. Beck noted that he approved two requests for utility bill adjustments: Glen Hinds in the amount of $90.18 and Randall & Tami Waller in the amount of $122.16 due to leaks that were repaired.

FISCAL OFFICER’S REPORT: Ms. Navin reviewed the income tax report that was included in the Council packet. Ms. Navin reminded Council that the pool will be closing Saturday after the F&M Picnic and free swim for the 2022 season. Ms. Navin informed Council that the Village had received the 2nd installment of ARPA funds in July and that $2 million had been moved from Liberty National Bank to STAROhio to increase interest rate from .20% to 2.25%.

POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT: Chief Harnishfeger noted the following:

  • Miscellaneous calls
  • Domestic Violence calls
  • Scene at 708 S. Johnson with an individual with an outstanding warrant.
  • Thanked Officer Penny Keller-Clark for her work in the community and with
  • McDonald’s & Padrone’s to connect with citizens and handing out free coupons.
  • Held Department meeting on Monday, August 8th.

Also noted that the Police Department will have available on their website crash accidents reports. These reports are also uploaded to Carfax.



Mr. Hall reviewed the Tree Commission’s report on their drive through of Quadrant B and C to look for trees that may need pruning, removal, or other attention. 12 trees were listed that need contractor removal. Also noted that the Sycamore tree on Main St. needs crown cleaning.

Mr. Hall noted that the water tower project was signed as substantially complete and will be checking as tower was to be down 25 days it took 41 days.

Grandview project is moving forward. Will hold one more public meeting regarding assessment.

Mr. Hall distributed a request to vacate an alley that runs east-west outside the Wilson’s plant. Wilson’s owns all surrounding property. Ordinance will be forthcoming.


ANY OTHER VILLAGE BUSINESS: None action was taken.

Village of Ada Council Meeting Minutes August 9, 2022 6:30 pm Municipal Building, Council Chambers

115 W. Buckeye Ave, Ada, OH

Council adjourned into Executive Session at 7:58 pm and returned to open session at 8:27 pm. No action was taken.

ADJOURNMENT: 1 st: Mr. Simmons 2 nd: Ms. Coressel Discussion: None Roll Call: Six ayes with Ms. Mason, Mr. Oestreich, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Beck, Mr. Campbell, and Ms. Coressel voting
