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Area students receive BVHS nursing scholarships

The Blanchard Valley Health Foundation has awarded six area students nursing scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Gabrielle Evans has received the $500 Phyllis Zimber Endowed Scholarship, which was offered to any graduating high school student or adult pursuing a degree in nursing with a special interest in obstetrics. Evans is a student at Case Western Reserve University and is completing a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing.

The Kathleen Higgins Endowed Scholarship in the amount of $500 was awarded to Catherine Cassidy. This scholarship was offered to high school students or adults pursuing a career in nursing. Cassidy is working toward a nursing degree at Bowling Green State University.

The Sue Schutz Family & Friends Health Scholarship was awarded to Tiffany Pottkotter and Jeffrey Remaklus in the amount of $2,641.66 each. This scholarship was offered as a one-time award during the 2013-2014 academic year for two adult, non-traditional students who are pursuing an advanced degree in a health-related field. Pottkotter will be attending The Ohio State University to earn a degree as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and Remaklus will be attending the University of Toledo to pursue a degree as a family nurse practitioner.

The $500 Maxine Snyder Endowment Trust Certification and Masters Preparation Scholarship and the $500 Karen Jones Nursing Certification Scholarship were awarded to Marlana Risley. The Snyder Scholarship was offered to current BVHS associates pursuing advanced nursing training, and the Jones Nursing Certification Scholarship was offered to BVHS nurses wanting to pursue a review course or certification exam. Risley is a registered nurse at Blanchard Valley Hospital will be using the funds to earn credentials as a certified wound care specialist.

The Nursing Education Fund Scholarship was also offered to professional nurses employed at Blanchard Valley Hospital and Bluffton Hospital. This scholarship provides funds for individual conference participation, nursing speakers for a large group of staff nurses, certification for specialized nursing or pursuit of advanced degrees in the health care field. BVHS associate Sarah Theis received this scholarship in the amount of $500. She will be using the funds to pursue an advanced nursing degree from Ohio University.


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Thursday, February 13, 2025