End of fiscal year reports, preparations for school to begin August 18
On July 21, the Ada Schools Board of Education met to with the attached agenda. All five members of the board were present: Ron Fleming, Matt Gossman, Ted Griffith, Steve Ramey and Amy Mullins. As president of the board, Mullins conducted the meeting.
There were no individuals present to address the board for this public hearing. Superintendent Robin VanBuskirk explained that IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Education Act) Part B funds are a federal grants that help provide free and appropriate education for individuals 3-21 years old. The Ada School use the funds for intervention specialists’ salaries.
Dan Lee, High School principal reported on summer activities including varsity show choir and band camps. He noted that in June there was testing for students who needed to retake the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) and that summer school for students who did not pass a class will finish in August.
Jeremy Clark, Elementary School principal reported that the custodial staff is making great progress on preparing the building.
Treasurer Kim Light provided a report on the last month of the fiscal year. The report included
- Fund Transfers
- Invoices for Approval
Light noted that all expenses were under budget except for Purchased Services which included an Interim Elementary Principal and Interim Superintendent. She said that she was pleased with the outcome of the fiscal year. A report on school fees was not prepared correctly and will be submitted at the next meeting.
The attached packet includes
- Budget vs. Actual GENERAL FUND
- Chart: receipts, expenditures, unencumbered balance
- Spending Plan Summary
- Cash Reconciliation with total fund balance of 9.1M
- Monthly Bank Reconciliation
- Quarterly Financial Report as of June 30, 2022
- Summary of Budgets and Cash Balances
- Federal Grants Analysis for Fiscal Years 2015-2023
- Disbursement Summary Report for June 2022
The board unanimously approved the report and invoices.
Superintendent Robin VanBuskirk presented the following recommendations A-N, which were approved unanimously.
A. Athletic prices for the 2022-2023 school year
B. Extended Service Day Contract for Carter Bivens, Instrumental Music Director
C. Stipend for E.M.I.S. (Education Management Information System) Coordinator
D. Amended contracts for classified employees Ramona Sumney and Amy Stover
E. Approve supplemental coaching, substitute coordinator and entry year mentor contracts
F. Approve Certified and Classified Substitutes for 2022-2023
G. Approve payment of stipends to nine teacher for attending professional development training
H. Approve memo of understanding with Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities for 2022-2023
I. Approve service agreement with Midwest Regional ESC
J. Approve service agreement with Midwest Regional ESC for Vision Impaired Services and/or Orientation and Mobility
K. Approve a salary adjustment for Carter Bivens, who has completed 150 hours.
L. Approve resignation of Paula Beverly, educational aide.
Van Buskirk commented on annual cleaning and maintenance. She noted that a safety grant has provided for key fob access control for the Vo-Ag building. The superintendent commended an administrative team that made a presentation to the Ada Rotary. She noted that the new school year will begin with:
August 15 - New teacher work day
August 16 - Staff inservice day
August 17 - Open house, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
August 18 - First day of school, 2022-2023
The Board of Education will hold its next meeting at 6:00 p.m. on August 18.
At 6:18 p.m. the board entered an executive session to consider employee compensation with no further action to be taken.