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Village advertises for street paving bid proposals

Ada village administrator Jamie Hall has posted the following Notice of Request for Bid Proposal on the 2022 Village of Ada Street Paving Project.

April 7, 2022


2022 Village of Ada Street Paving Project

Sealed bids will be received by the Village of Ada, at the Village of Ada Council Chambers, 115 W. Buckeye Avenue, Ada, Ohio 45810 until 12:00 noon on Wednesday, April 27th, 2022, at which time the bids received will be publicly opened and read.  In general, the project consists of pavement asphalt overlay and milling of various streets and alleys in the Village. Project includes asphalt and asphalt preparation for approximately 14 each 16’ x 8’ x 4” deep drive and alley approaches.

Bid Documents and Specifications can be obtained by bidders in the Water Office, 115 W. Buckeye Avenue, Ada, Ohio 45810 and on the Village website at

The bid quantities are estimates only and the bid specifications stipulate the Village of Ada reserves the right to order or perform amounts according to the needs.

The Village of Ada reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in any bid to accept any bid which is deemed most favorable to the Village of Ada.


Thank you, Jamie Hall

Office – 419-634-4045 opt. 2

Cell – 567-712-9070

Email – [email protected]


Pavement  specifications and bid documents, as well as an updated addendum are posted at 


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