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Summary of December 7 village council reports and actions

At the December 7 regular meeting of the Village of Ada council, actions and reports included the following:


The council unanimously approved a 4% salary increase for all non-union employees. They also voted unanimously for a $1/hour increase for employee Eileen Peterman.


Police chief Michael Harnishfeger reported

  • Some 40 hours of overtime were required by the response to a fire at 220 S. Gilbert (a house with 3 apartments) on Saturday, December 4 that revealed a large marajuana growing operation and a lab in a kitchen. A stove fire was indicated. The investigation is ongoing.
  • An officer was assaulted during a call to a domestic dispute.
  • An individual was hospitalized following a domestic dispute call.
  • An officer administered Narcan for a drug overdose.
  • A shoplifting suspect has been identified with assistance from Facebook viewers.
  • An Ada officer will participate in the “Shop with a Cop” program in Kenton on December 10.

Chief Harnishfeger reported that on January 11 an outside panel will assess Sergeant Candidates; 3 candidates have been interviewed.

Harnishfeger also announced the resignation of Ptl. Victoria Sturgill to take a job in the private sector.


Village Administrator Jamie Hall reported that the Village of Ada has received a $ 218,250 state grant to cover the planning and engineering design for drinking water plant improvements. The project construction is estimated at $5-7 million, depending on financing.

Hall also reported:

  • Leaf pickup has been extended one week, noting that this is for “just leaves” and that paper leaf bags are preferred for bagged leaves.
  • Preparation of snow equipment has begun. Recommended winterizing hose bibs and checking on temperature of rentals during the holiday vacation period.