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Ohio Democratic Party political director speaks to Hardin County Democrats

Liz Walters, Ohio Democratic Party Political Director spoke with the Hardin County Democrats Central and Executive Committee members and guests at their last meeting. 

She gave statewide and Hardin County results for the past two presidential and gubernatorial elections.  One of the most revealing statistics was the result of redistricting following the 2010 census.

Adding together all of the Democrat and Republican votes cast in the Ohio House races showed that more Democrat votes were cast than Republican votes.  But due to the gerrymandering of House of Representative Districts by the Republicans, the result of the 2012 races gave the Republicans 60 seats and the Democrats 39 seats. 

One of the races in the eastern part of Ohio was won by a Republican by 8 votes.

The resignation of Brett Molk as Vice Chair of the County Party was unanimously accepted with regret and much appreciation for his years of service as Treasurer and Vice Chair. 

He was also thanked for his candidacy for Hardin County Commissioner on two occasions and his generous contributions to the party in general.  He will continue to serve as Precinct Representative for Dudley Township.

Chair Don Traxler reported on his attendance at the Ohio Democrat Legacy Dinner in Columbus.  He had the opportunity to meet with keynote speaker, the honorable Mayor of Houston, Julian Castro.  Mr. Castro was also the keynote speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

The Committees will not meet again until Wednesday, August 14, 2013 and the meeting place has been moved to Brunson’s Restaurant Banquet Room.  The Committees thank the Kenton Moose Lodge for allowing them to meet at their Family Center for the past many years.


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Thursday, January 2, 2025