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McGuffey turns 125 in August

Community celebration planned

With the theme “Remembering our past helps create our future!” the Village of McGuffey celebrates its 125th year this summer with a one-day celebration.

It takes place at 11 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 28, in the Upper Scioto Valley parking lot and Courtright Street.

Sponsored by the historical society McGuffey Memories created in 2019, the event has a rain date of Sunday, Aug. 29.

“We invite volunteers, crafters, musicians, square dancers, vendors, sponsors and anyone with a talent who is willing to help us make this event a success,” said Marianna Watts of the Memories organization.

She said that McGuffey Memories was created to document and preserve the history of the Village of McGuffey and the surrounding area known as the Scioto Marsh. 

“Our intention is to work on bolstering pride and citizenship among its citizens and those with roots here,” she said.  

“We are dedicated to educating the youth about the hardships and successes endured by our families as they turned the swamp into some of the most fertile soils of the world.”

The organization has a group Facebook “Views from the Muck” where it share pictures, postcards and information about the Scioto Marsh, Alger and McGuffey.

The history organization holds monthly meetings with meeting dates posted on its Facebook and Ada Icon. 

“The members of this group are passionate about keeping our history alive and growing,” said Watts, and she invites other interested persons to contact her or other members of the group:
Marianna Watts  502-552-0231
Richard Spradlin 567-295-9060
Carol Lowery  937-210-8874
Drucilla Watts  419-757-0000
Mary Lou Sorgen Ralston  419-905-7014
Jimmie Lee Lightner 567-674-8065
