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Ada to participate in National Bike to School Day

Look out your window on the morning of May 8, and you may see more students walking or biking to school than usual.

The Ada Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Team is sponsoring a Bike to School Day on May 8th, in cooperation with the national initiative to get more k-6 students walking and biking to school.  K-6 students who participate in the event by biking or walking to school that morning will get a raffle ticket from a Ada SRTS team member on their way to school.  Winners will be drawn at the start of school Wednesday morning.

The Ada SRTS Team began working on grant applications for the national Safe Routes to School program in 2010.  Locally, the team has submitted a grant application to the Ohio Department of Transportation for new sidewalks along West Highland Ave and Grand Ave. 

A requirement for the grant is community involvement, including pedestrian and bicycle events to help the students learn the proper ways to bike and walk to school.

The Ada SRTS Team includes representatives from the Village, the Ada Schools, the Ada Police Department, Ada business owners, the Ada Public Library, and parents and volunteers from the community. 

It is the Team’s hope that the community involvement continues to grow as events such as the Bike to School Day are planned. 

Students will be bringing home more information about the program and the Bike to School Day from the Ada Schools.  Questions about the program are welcome at the Ada Village Offices, 419-634-4045.


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