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Ada-Liberty fire truck dedication ceremony

Ada's new fire truck dedication service took place Jan. 25. Click here for a story and photos of the truck.

Rev. Philip Compton, Ph.D.  fire chaplain, standing on the right side of the photo, provided a dedication of the new vehicle and his dedication follow:

Friends, we are gathered here today to dedicate and to seek God’s blessing on this new Spartan/Smeal pumper/engine and our firefighters that have been made ready for service to our community.

Mayor David Retterer:   President DiBiasio:   Commissioner Fred Rush:  Ada Council president Bob Simmons:  Township Trustees:  Smeal Rep. Bob Warren:   Chief Jay Epley

Let us pray:  Almighty and everlasting God, accept this fire engine that it may serve this community and all of your people.  As your Son, Jesus Christ, went about doing good with compassion and caring for the people, look with favor, we pray, on the faith and compassion of your servants who have constructed and will maintain this new fire engine to secure the safety of our community. 

Grant grace to the firefighters who will drive and operate this new engine and protect them from harm.  Return them safely at the end of their service to the families that they love. 

Accept this engine that it may serve this community and all of your people – that our lives may be consecrated in your service.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord – AMEN!

In the name of the holy and triune God, we dedicate this fire engine, “The War Wagon,” to the glory of God and the service of our community.   AMEN!

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