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Say good bye to “school cancellation days,” Ada

The school has moved to virtual learning days for the rest of this school year in the event of bad weather

Say good bye to “school cancellation days,” Ada.

The school has moved to virtual learning days for the rest of this school year in the event of bad weather, according to Meri Skilliter, Ada superintendent.

Here’s the announcement from the school website:

With the increased capacity that our school, students and teachers now have to learn remotely, all school days cancelled as a result weather for the remainder of the school year will be virtual learning days. 

By doing this, we can eliminate last minute changes in the calendar, make up days being scheduled either during spring break or at the end of the year, which makes it hard for families and staff to plan appointments or travel. 

If school is cancelled, teachers in the elementary, middle and high school will have their students’ assignments posted on Google Classroom by 10:30 a.m. 

Students will not follow their daily schedule and Zoom with their teachers each period.  Instead, all teachers will post a minimum of two Zoom sessions that students can attend if they need any help with the posted assignments. 

The times and Zoom links will be available on each teacher’s Google Classroom page.  

Students are encouraged to take their devices home each night. Posted work will be designed to be as digital as possible to allow students to access all the required materials from their Chromebooks. 

If students have technical difficulties or have follow-up questions for the teacher upon their return to school about an assignment, they will have two days after the cancelled day to submit all assignments. 

Teachers will review these expectations with students in the days and weeks to come to help ensure students are prepared in the case of a school cancellation. If you have any questions, please contact individual teachers or your child’s principal.
