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Enter the Icon holiday football

15 games in this contest • Entry deadline noon on Wednesday, Dec. 30

The 2020-21 Bluffton and Ada Icon football bowl contest is here.

This year's contest includes 15 bowl games played from Dec. 30 through Jan. 2.

Contest rules
Contestants may enter as many times as they wish, but each new entry must be in a different name. When more than one entry is submitted using the same name those entries will be disqualified.

In the contest pick the winner of each bowl game. There are two tie-breakers. In the event that a tie still exists after the second tie-breaker is counted the earliest entry will be declared the winner.

The entry deadline is noon on Wednesday, Dec. 30.

The winner receives a pizza the winner's choice: Bluffton Padrone's or 3 Brothers Pizza, Ada.

Should Ohio State win on Jan. 1 there will be a follow-up contest.


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