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Ohio Northern University students honored with Dankook Award

Ohio Northern University presented Dankook Awards to Jennifer Krauss, a senior mathematics major from Pickerington, Ohio, and Sean McKee, a sixth-year pharmacy major from Salem, Ohio, at ONU’s Honors Day on April 27.

Presented since 1974, the Dankook Award is an annual reciprocal award exchanged between Dankook University in South Korea and Ohio Northern University. The award recognizes students with outstanding records in academics, student leadership, co-curricular activities and service.

The selection process begins when each ONU undergraduate dean nominates two students to receive the award. Next, ONU’s vice president of academic affairs selects two students from this pool of eight and sends their names to the University president for approval. Finally, the two names are sent to Dankook University.

A recipient of the arts and science scholarship and a member of the Honors program, Krauss maintained a 4.0 GPA while earning her Bachelor of Arts in mathematics with a concentration in teacher education and adolescent licensure.

Krauss is a member of the Mortar Board National Honor Society and served as president of the ONU student chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, the national mathematic honor society. She has served as a mathematics tutor and grader in several courses and is the founder and facilitator of the ONU Sign Language Club. She has served as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and past secretary of ONU Recycles.

McKee, who will graduate this May from the Raabe College of Pharmacy, has been on the dean’s list for 10 of the past 15 possible graduating periods. He served on the research team of Dr. Jeffrey Talbot from February 2011 through May 2012, as residence hall assistant for four years, and as director for four spring-break work trips for Habitat for Humanity.