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Ada council preparing for 2021

Annual appropriations expected for passage on Dec. 21

As 2020 winds down, Ada council has set in motion several actions to prepare for 2021.

In recent council meetings, the village body approved the following affecting 2021 operations:

• Passage of 2021 annual appropriations – third and final reading scheduled for Dec. 15

• Preparing to advertise for bids and contract for supplies, services and equipment – including pebble quicklime, asphalt concrete pavement, gasoline and diesel fuel, lime sludge removal, sewage sludge removal

• Resolution authorizing the fiscal officer to issue payments for utility and payroll expenses

• Resolution authorizing Michael Harnishfeger as village zoning inspector at a salary of $9,182

• Authorizing cleaning services with Joann Boutwell Cleaning at $11,434 

• Hiring of legal counsel to Jane Napier at a salary of $18,00, with additional compensation of $100 per hour for legal work such as title searches, real estate negotiations, union matters and lawsuits

The final regularly scheduled meeting of 2020 is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15.

Click here for the Dec. 1 council packet
