As 2020 winds down, Ada council has set in motion several actions to prepare for 2021.
In recent council meetings, the village body approved the following affecting 2021 operations:
• Passage of 2021 annual appropriations – third and final reading scheduled for Dec. 15
• Preparing to advertise for bids and contract for supplies, services and equipment – including pebble quicklime, asphalt concrete pavement, gasoline and diesel fuel, lime sludge removal, sewage sludge removal
• Resolution authorizing the fiscal officer to issue payments for utility and payroll expenses
• Resolution authorizing Michael Harnishfeger as village zoning inspector at a salary of $9,182
• Authorizing cleaning services with Joann Boutwell Cleaning at $11,434
• Hiring of legal counsel to Jane Napier at a salary of $18,00, with additional compensation of $100 per hour for legal work such as title searches, real estate negotiations, union matters and lawsuits
The final regularly scheduled meeting of 2020 is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15.