Noah Ristau will join the Ada village council tonight.
The oath of office will be given to Ristau at the beginning of the meeting and he will then participate in all action and discussion in the session.
Council announced the appointment of Ristau, who is general manager of Ohio Northern University dining services, to fill the council vacancy created due to the death of Don Fleming. Council’s unanimous selection of Ristau was made following interview meetings on Oct 26 and 28.
Ristau is a four-year resident of the village of Ada. He moved here in June 2016 when he became general manager of the ONU dining service. He currently is vice president of the Ada Public Library board and is a trustee on the Springfield Museum of Art.
He will join Ada’s council, which includes Jeff Oestreich, Sheila Coressel, Linda Mason, Bob Simmons and Terry Keiser.
Several items are on tonight’s agenda, including legislation setting appropriations for 2021.
Council will also act on granting Ohio Department of Transportation to remove snow on state highways within the village.
Ada council meeting have held virtual meetings since the covid-19 pandemic hit last spring. According to the Ohio Municipal League, that ability will expire on Dec. 1 unless council acts to extend it.
It is anticipated that action to extend virtual meetings will also take place tonight.
Several additional details from October council meetings are provided on the village website and may be accessed by clicking here.