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Ohio Northern University to host Summer Sounds Choral Festival

Ohio Northern University is hosting a “Summer Sounds Choral Festival” for elementary-age students (from second to sixth grades) on the campus of ONU from June 25-29.

Summer Sounds Choral Festival is a half-day choral experience (8:45 a.m. to noon) in which campers learn choral repertoire and performance techniques, develop their musical skills through movement and music games, and attend special classes with instruments. Experienced music teachers teach all classes, and ONU music majors serve as counselors. The week culminates with a concert highlighting the skills the children have learned throughout the week.

There also is an extended-day option that runs from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. This option includes classes in dance/movement, ear-training, piano/computer lab, and outside fun.

Tuition is payable with registration and includes classes, T-shirt, daily snack, and Friday’s lunch. Tuition for the half-day experience is $100 ($90 if registering before May 26); the extended-day option is $160 ($145 if registering before May 26).

For additional information, email [email protected]. Registration forms can be downloaded from and returned to: Vicki Mills, PO Box 321, Ada, OH 45810

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