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Lots of updates on graduation, prom, honors banquet, NHS induction

Some decisions made; some will be set later

Here's an update from the Ada schools, from the school website on April 21:

Ada Exempted Village Schools Yesterday the Governor announced that schools would remain in a distance learning situation for the remainder of the academic year. As a result, a few items should be communicated to our families and community:

 Graduation – in another week or so we will make a decision on graduation. We realize that the opening up of Ohio is going to be fluid and uncertain, but we hope to have a graduation ceremony to honor our seniors.

We are unsure if that will be just our seniors and immediate families, but we want to get a date on your calendars as soon as we are able to be working toward, understanding full well that any date we put out will be tentative at best.

 Diplomas will be dated as they would have been if graduation had been on the original date, and transcripts will reflect this. Some seniors’ jobs depend on this, so we wanted to assure you that will be the case.

 Prom – currently we have a June 15 date set, and we are leaving that for the time being. We do have a July alternate date if we need it. We have a few weeks before we need to move the date or change prom in any way.

 Student Item Pick Up and Text Book/Device Turn In – in the next couple of weeks we will be scheduling curb-side pick-up of any items left in lockers, desks, and cubbies as well as a time at the end of the academic year to turn in Chromebooks and text books, etc.

We will use text alerts to let you know when we’ve published that schedule. Buildings are still closed to students.

 Senior Honors Banquet – Mr. Lee, Mrs. Bowden, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. VanBuskirk are working on ways to get information to seniors receiving departmental honors and scholarships. Stay tuned for this information. We will not be having the banquet on the published date, however.

 NHS Induction – This event is cancelled. Mr. Lee is working on a way to honor these student

 Baccalaureate – Administration is working with the committee to figure out when and how to have baccalaureate. More information in the next week or two.

 Athletics – OHSAA has cancelled all spring sports including tournaments for this year, following the Governor’s announcement yesterday. We will miss seeing our teams in action, especially our senior athletes.

 Camp Cotubic trip is cancelled. Mrs. Schrock is working on getting refunds out to families. Watch for communication on this from her or the office in the next couple of weeks.

 Lunch money balances for seniors – those seniors who have balances on their lunch accounts and have siblings in the district, those balances will be moved to the sibling’s accounts. For those without a sibling, those who have more than $5 balance will be contacted to be asked if they prefer a refund or to donate it to the cafeteria fund (used when students need money for lunch). Balances under $5 will be placed in the cafeteria fund.

 All parents, but especially senior parents, who use replenish on pay central for your child’s lunch account, you may want to go in and stop that automatic replenish feature.

We will have another update next week, unless anything needs updated yet this week. Stay safe, all!
