Ada village income tax revenue is up $34,006 from last year, according to Patty Navin, Ada village fiscal officer. She updated Ada council on revenue, comparing 2019 to 2020, as of the end of February.
Her report was given in the Feb. 25 council meeting. Village income tax revenue is up 10.74 percent, safety income tax is up 12.02 percent and pool income tax reserves are up 12.02 percent. (See the accompanying chart below)
In other council action on Feb. 25, council passed by emergency legislation to annex property located near the southwest corner of the village.
The property is owned by the M.J. Diversified Group, LLC. The annexation petition will have a hearing at 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 14, by the Hardin County Commissioners in the county courthouse.
The annexation resolution states that council will not accept dedication of the property’s private drive, stating that it must be brought up to village standards prior to being annexed.