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Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes met on June 17

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes met on June 17 in the Hardin Northern Ag Building.  Summary of the meeting follows:

  • The meeting was led by secretary Brenna Flowers. 
  • Roll call was your favorite summer activity.  There were 57 total present, 40 members, 8 advisors, and 9 guests.
  • Recreation for the night was limbo ran by Heidi Trachsel.
  • Pledge of Allegiance was led by Treysen Eibling and the 4-H Pledge by Autumn Steiner.
  • Leif Trachsel talked about his experience at Camp Canopy.
  • Trivia was given by Paul Minter. 
  • The Lord’s Prayer was led by Brenna Flowers.
  • Snacks were provided by the Heldmans and refreshments were provided by the Polings. 
  • The meeting was adjourned by Cameron Wikes and seconded by Olivia Camper.

The next meeting will be held Monday, July 8, at 7:30 p.m.
