Ada Junior Civic League members met at Dear Darling Boutique in Ada, with the owner Rayel Rose, to tour the shop and do some shopping.
She said that the name of the shop had its origin in the Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.”
She will close the storefront soon and will continue her business online. Meanwhile she is offering good sales in the boutique.
Members continued their meeting at the home of Anna Poling. Cohostess was Colleen Marshall. Sherry Evans led the business meeting. Jamie Wills, Ways and Means pecan chair, reported that there are seven bags of pecan pieces and one bag of halves left to sell.
Bev Romick, Special Projects Chair, recommended three Ada community projects that will receive profits from the annual pecan sale. Announcements will be made at a later date.
JCL served 37 donors at the recent Ada Bloodmobile.
The following officers for 2019-20 were elected. Linda Staley, President; Linda Ferguson, Vice President; Sandy Neely, Recording secretary; Diane Sharrock, Treasurer; and Anna Poling, Corresponding Secretary.
The May meeting and Dinner Out will be held on Monday evening, May 13, at Helmuths. Members will carpool leaving from The Depot.