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Calling all girls interested in becoming an Ada Girl Scout

You can reach for the stars on Thursday evening

Weather permitting, Ada area girls “and their favorite adult” are invited to a “Reach for the Stars” evening at the Ada elementary school cafeteria from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31.

The evening’s theme is being a space science explorer.

The program is by the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio. The event is for girls who are not currently participating in Girl Scouts this year.

Here’s what’s in store during the evening:
• create moon phases with cookies
• make a shadow poster
• make a star pattern of your own – in the shape of you

Other parts of the program include learning how the Earth rotates making it daytime and nighttime. Participants can practice making predictions like a scientist and see things with their eyes and space science tools, like binoculars, in new ways.

For more information contact Tammy Miller at 888-350-5090 or [email protected]. A snow-weather make-up date is Monday, Feb. 11.
