The Ada High School Color Guard won the award for Best Color Guard regardless of class with a score of 91 at the Tri-Valley Classic in Dresden, Ohio, on Oct. 20.They are the only color guard at any of the contests that they have competed in to earn a score of greater than 90. The band won high marks, as well.
The band and color guard also received awards for best color guard, best general effect, and best visual effects in Class C. The band earned received straight I's, being rated superior by all eight judges.
The Ada High School Marching Band received "Superior" ratings in every area: general effects, color guard, music, percussion and visual effects. They placed second in Class C.
Superior ratings reflect an outstanding performance with very few technical errors and exemplifying true musical expression. This rating is reserved for outstanding performances.
In addition to placement and scoring, bands must also receive an overall rating of superior to qualify for the state event. Qualification for state marching band finals is determined regardless of band size.
The Ada High School Marching Band will perform at the OMEA state finals at 6:45 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4 at Welcome Stadium in Dayton.
The Ada High School Marching Band is composed of a 21-member winds ensemble, 8 percussionists, and 8 color guard members. The band is under the direction of Jonathan Lischak, with Color Guard Director Amy Webb. Student leadership includes Drum Majors Jake Colwell, Alex Morgan and Tori Ross.
The Music Boosters and band members thank Director Jonathan Lischak and Color Guard Director Amy Webb for all their time, encouragement and support