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Dogs also enjoy Harvest and Herb Fest'

Just take it from these canine owners

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Dogs enjoyed the Harvest and Herb Fest, as well as their owners. It’s a day for puppies to see lots of sights and smells from the aroma of funnel cakes to bees wax. A few dogs met up with their furry friends from the new Ada Dog Park.

Ada is not a particularly dog friendly town compared to other places. You’ll see “No Dogs Allowed” on several businesses. However, those working in the village government offices are always glad to see pooches.

But H&H day is a happy occasion for dogs as they parade up and down Main Street with their owners, while their owners chat with friends on the street and view the vendor booths.

The Ada Icon camera found dogs of all kinds—large and small, pedigreed and mutts, and service dogs—so we snapped a few pictures for your viewing. Take a look.
