“Libraries Rock” is the theme of the Alger Library’s free summer reading program going on now through July 20. Kids, teens and adults are encouraged to participate by checking-out and reading books to receive tickets for prizes to be awarded at the end of summer read.
In addition, a number of fun, weekly activities are planned for kids age preK through 13. Attending activities is another way to earn prize tickets. On Mondays at6:30 kids age 3-6 can groove with Pete the Cat during special summer read story times with Miss Stacey. Activities for older kids will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at2:00pm and include robots, painted rocks, sand art, the newest dance moves, a Nerf challenge, and Lego challenges. Every Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday when the library will provide something fun for you to do no matter when you drop in, allowing you to work at you own pace and be creative.
Stop by the library for monthly calendars and additional summer read information and to see the prizes in the drawing. Also check out the library’s website atalgerlibrary.org and our Facebook page at facebook.com/algerlibrary.
The library is open Monday and Wednesday, 1:00pm-7:00pm; Tuesday andThursday, 12:00pm-6:00pm; Friday, 1:00pm-5:00pm; Saturday, 10:am-1:00pm.