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They call her Grandma

Judy Williams is an Ada school students' favorite - for 45 school years

By Monty Siekerman
Ada school children are wishing Judy Williams a happy summer.

There is a poster of her that hangs in the elementary hallway. It reads, “Help Grandma Judy Get Ready for Summer.” The kids add stickers to the poster, like an inflatable duck, to signify summer fun. In the poster, Judy is found near a pond relaxing in a lounge chair, donning a summer hat, sitting under a multicolored umbrella, and wearing unique sunglasses.

Why? Because children at the Ada Schools have always liked the friendly aide and bus driver...for 45 years. As she says, “I’ve known several generations of school children in that length of time.” And, they call her Grandma.

After the brief photoshoot of Judy surround by kindergartens, she exits the room with youngsters giving her high fives You can tell, Judy is a favorite.

At school she serves as an aide in the cafeteria and office and as a school bus driver. She and her husband Tom have raised five sons and a daughter, no wonder she knows how to treat children, she’s had a lot of experience at home.

Judy Williams, surrounded by Ada kindergartners Aubrey Luellen, Grant Smith, Madison Hall.
