Boy Scout Troop 124 held its 100th anniversary dinner at Camp Berry, Findlay, on Saturday April 14. Prior to dinner Don Spar, Cubmaster Pack 124, gave golf cart tours of the camp to anyone that wanted one.
The program was opened with a welcome from Troop Committee Chairman Randy Butterfield and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath, and the Scout Law, lead by youth members of the Troop. Grace was offered by current Scoutmaster Jeff Kurtz. After dinner master of ceremonies, Don Spar recognized all Eagle Scouts present along with all current and past Scoutmasters, Explorer Advisors, and Cubmasters . Also recognized were all the Silver Beaver recipients present. Former Scoutmaster Tom Lehman then gave a short history of the Troop and Scouting in Ada.
Due to illness the scheduled speaker, Dan Snyder, was not able to be there so former Explorer Advisor and Assistant Scoutmaster Norm Rex talked about his adventures with the Troop and Post. He then invited others to say a few words about their experiences. Former Scoutmaster Paul Schumacher and former Explorer Advisor Pete Berton both gave short stories.
Throughout the evening a slide show of old pictures were showing with a large display Scout memorabilia. The program was attended by past and present Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, and Venturers and leaders from Den Leaders to Scout Leaders.
The evening concluded with Jeff Kurtz giving a final prayer for Scouts and safe travels.