By Elsie Allen
Sunday, March 25, the 2nd meeting of the Ada Barnyard Farmer’s 4H Club opened with a ball-tossing name game.
After the exciting game, we elected officers for 2018. The officers [ from left to right] are: President: Jillian Hazelton, Vice President: Wyatt Ferguson, Secretary: Melia Santillanez, Treasurer: Riley Ferguson, Reporter: Elsie Allen, Recreation: Sam Santillanez, Health and Safety: Wyatt Fisher, and Photographer: Brody Erickson.
After the election, we had several informative demonstrations. Brody Erickson did a fun demonstration about Muscovy ducks; Riley Ferguson did a hands-on demonstration on how to make a battery; and Brice Ferguson did a very interesting demonstration on service dogs.
As usual, we ended our meeting with delicious snacks. Our next meeting is April 22 from 3-5 at Sugar Grove United Methodist Church.