Taxpayers in Hardin and surrounding counties can find free income tax assistance from Ohio Northern business students through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
The VITA program offers free tax help to persons who generally make $54,000 or less who need assistance in preparing their tax returns.
ONU students will offer free electronic filing (e-filing) services at the business college on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdayevenings from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Feb. 13 through April 5 (excluding March 6-8).Appointments are required.
Taxpayers interested in these services should bring proof of identification, tax information received for the 2017 filing year (including Forms W-2, Forms 1099, any Affordable Health Care Statements, and all other items marked “Important Tax Return Document/Information Enclosed”) and copies of last year’s federal and state tax returns, if available.
To make an appointment or learn more, contact site coordinator Dexter Woods at Ohio Northern University at 419-772-2075.
As part of this program, ONU students receive training and become IRS-certified to help prepare basic and intermediate tax returns and identify special credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit and Credit for the Elderly.