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There's more than one way to carve a pumpkin

But, with periodic table elements?

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Claire Griffith carves Nh into a pumpkin. 

What is Nh...glad you asked. It is nihonium. What is that?

It's one of the four new elements added to the periodic table this year. Members of Gamna Sigma Epsilon chemistry honorary and the American Chemical Society carved the letters of the new elements into pumpkins on Monday at the Mathile Center.

That combines the holiday with chemistry, and the carvers probably never will forget the elements once they've taken knife in hand and sliced various letters into pumpkins. In case you are interested, the other three elements are: Mc (moscovium), Ts (tennessine), and Og (oganesson). 

• Claire Griffith carves Nh into a pumpkin
• Professor Trilisa Perrine and Samuel Powell
• Joe Napoli
