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BVHS BVHS Receives $6,000 grant from the Community Foundation

Blanchard Valley Health System has been awarded a grant of $6,000 from the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation to support an Advance Directives Summit for area businesses, civic groups, social service agencies and religious organizations.

The funds were made available from the Findlay Industries, Inc. Fund, The Schaefer Fund, OHM Corporation Fund and the Madeleine Thomas Schneider Fund.

Currently, fewer than 20 percent of patients admitted to Blanchard Valley Hospital and Bluffton Hospital have advance directives such as a health care power of attorney and/or a living will.

Of those that do, many do not contain current information related to the person’s wishes. By holding an Advance Directives Summit, BVHS hopes to create collaborative processes and opportunities to increase the percentage of residents who have discussed and documented their wishes with their families and health care providers.

According to Elizabeth Kelly, chaplain with Blanchard Valley Health System, “Research shows that people with advance directives are more likely to receive the care they would want, particularly at end of life.

The health care that is given should always reflect the values and beliefs of the patient, and this advanced planning clarifies the goals of the patient and gives them more control over the care provided.

Also, advanced planning provides important information to family members and physicians when a person is not able to act on their own behalf; lessening the burden on family members.”

The Summit will be a collaborative effort between BVHS, The Community Foundation and other area organizations including the Hancock County Agency on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association of Northwest Ohio. It is planned for 2013.
