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Bike for Tykes 3-day ride

By Monty Siekerman
Pi Phi sorority members from BGSU cheer on 23 of their sisters during the Bikes for Tykes three-day ride from south of Dayton to Bowling Green.


To raise more than $110,000 for the Children's Miracle Network and the BGSU Dance Marathon. At the end of the second day, the 140 bikers slept on the floor of the Ada High School gym.

The bikers, all college students, rode 180 miles to raise money for the two causes. This year, the cyclists ran into some flooding in Montgomery County; last year they had to battle snow as they headed into Ada.

• All of their earthly possessions are in those black sacks, at least all they'll need for three days of riding bicycles from south of Dayton to Bowling Green.

• Here, the cyclists retrieve their belongings from a truck full of supplies that accompanies the 140 bikers. We hope there are plenty of blankets to make the hard wood gym floor soft enough for sleeping.

• Cyclists arrive at Ada High School gym on Saturday to sleep for the night before heading out the next morning on the last leg of their fundraising trek.

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